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Author: Achmad Page 5 of 15

Keutamaan Sepuluh Hari Awal Bulan Dzulhijjah

Khutbah Jum’at Masjid Nabawi 27/11/1436 H – 11/9/2015 M
Oleh : Asy-Syaikh Abdul Muhsin al-Qosim hafizohullah

Penerjemah: Abu Abdil Muhsin Firanda

Segala puji bagi Allah, kami memujinya, memohon pertolongannya, dan memohon ampunanNya. Dan kami berlindung dari keburukan jiwa kami dan dari kesalahan amal perbuatan kami. Siapa yang diberi hidayah oleh Allah maka tidak ada yang akan menyesatkannya, dan siapa yang disesatkan maka tidak ada yang memberi petunjuk kepadanya. Dan aku bersaksi bahwasanya tidak ada sesembahan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah semata, tiada syarikat bagiNya, dan aku bersakasi bahwasanya Muhammad adalah hamba dan utusanNya, semoga shalawat dan salam tercurahkan kepada beliau, keluarga dan para sahabatnya.

Ternyata Orang Musyrik Zaman Dahulu Lebih Paham Makna Kalimat Tauhid

Oleh : M. Saifudin Hakim

Orang musyrik zaman dahulu sangat paham dengan makna kalimat tauhid

Orang-orang musyrik, ketika mereka diminta untuk mengucapkan kalimat tauhid laa ilaaha illallah, mereka menolak dengan sangat keras. Ketika Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menyerukan kepada mereka untuk mengucapkan“laa ilaaha illallah”, maka mereka menolak untuk mengatakan kalimat tersebut sambil mengatakan,

How to Setup DNS-Over-TLS (DoT)

This guide will help you reuse your setup for DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) to add support for DNS-over-TLS (DoT). The best part ? You won’t need new tools after you’ve followed my previous guides: DNS-over-HTTPS or Pihole and DoH.


DNS-over-TLS (DoT) is different to DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).

DoH is used in different application like DNScrypt, Intra, etc … In other words, there isn’t any OS implementation of it. You always need a separate app to use it.

DoT is used directly in Android 9 (Pie).

How to Setup DNS-Over-HTTPS using Pihole


In my previous article/tutorial, I’ve explained how to setup your own DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) server using Nginx, Certbot, and dns-over-https. In this article I’ll explain to you how to add Pi-Hole into the mix to block the unwanted advertising.


Pi-Hole is made of 2 components: a PHP web interface and a DNS server. Both are open-source. The web interface let you add blacklist, whitelist and configure the DNS server. The DNS server is the one doing the heavy lifting, responding to the queries according to its configuration generated by the interface.

The name comes from the lightness of the application, it can run without problem on a raspberry pi in your own network.

How to setup your own DNS-Over-HTTPS (DoH) Server


Traditional DNS queries and responses are sent over UDP or TCP without encryption. This is vulnerable to eavesdropping and spoofing (including DNS-based Internet filtering). Responses from recursive resolvers to clients are the most vulnerable to undesired or malicious changes, while communications between recursive resolvers and authoritative name servers often incorporate additional protection. (Google)

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