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Tag: https

Review Adguard Home (DNS Filtering Engine)

Adguard Home adalah sebuah system yang dapat memblokir Ads / Iklan pada suatu website memalui DNS Query.

Pada umumnya fungsi dari Adguard Home hampir sama dengan Pi-Hole, dimana system mempunyai Filter list yang kemudian DNS Server akan melakukan proses filterisasi terhadap domain-domain yang masuk dalam daftar kategory yang terdapat didalam Filter yang sudah kita tentukan.

Add More Server for DNS Over TLS & HTTPS

Saat ini kami telah menambahkan satu server tambahan untuk menampung Query DNS melalui DNS Over TLS & HTTPS dari DNS SYAIFULLAH

DNS Service ini dicombined dengan fitur Adblock dari Pi-Hole AdBlock Service dan juga Sebagai Crypto Mining Shield, sehingga pengalaman Browsing kita bebas dari Iklan dan juga Script Crypto Mining.

Untuk penggunaan dapat merujuk pada Link Berikut :

Happy Browsing .. 🙂

How to Setup DNS-Over-HTTPS using Pihole


In my previous article/tutorial, I’ve explained how to setup your own DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) server using Nginx, Certbot, and dns-over-https. In this article I’ll explain to you how to add Pi-Hole into the mix to block the unwanted advertising.


Pi-Hole is made of 2 components: a PHP web interface and a DNS server. Both are open-source. The web interface let you add blacklist, whitelist and configure the DNS server. The DNS server is the one doing the heavy lifting, responding to the queries according to its configuration generated by the interface.

The name comes from the lightness of the application, it can run without problem on a raspberry pi in your own network.

How to setup your own DNS-Over-HTTPS (DoH) Server


Traditional DNS queries and responses are sent over UDP or TCP without encryption. This is vulnerable to eavesdropping and spoofing (including DNS-based Internet filtering). Responses from recursive resolvers to clients are the most vulnerable to undesired or malicious changes, while communications between recursive resolvers and authoritative name servers often incorporate additional protection. (Google)

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